Doubling Down on Veterinary Care

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose In-Home Cat Euthanasia

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When your cat gets to a certain age, you have to start thinking about when it’s going to be time to put your cat down. Euthanizing your cat is the best thing you can do to help your cat be at peace, rather than suffering from old age problems or illnesses. You can take your cat to the veterinarian when it’s time to put your cat down, but you can also do an in-home euthanizing process as well, which may be best for you and your family. Read More»

What Are The Different Types Of Veterinarians?

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You may know about the veterinarian that takes care of your cats and dogs, but did you know there are a few other types of veterinarian? Treating different types of animals may require different education and a different specialty within the field.  What Is a Veterinarian’s Goal? A veterinarian’s main goal is to diagnose and treat your animals. They also want to do anything they can to lessen the pain your animals are in and prolong their lifespan. Read More»

When To Bring Your Cat To A Veterinarian

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If you are a new cat owner, you are likely concerned about caring for them properly. Your pet’s veterinarian makes a big impact on your cat’s health throughout its life. Knowing when to bring your pet to see its veterinarian is extremely important, as it minimizes the potential for additional health problems down the road. Make Yearly Appointments For Well-Checks It is best to schedule yearly appointments with a veterinarian to check on your pet’s health. Read More»

Two Ways To Help Your Cat Heal After Breaking Its Leg

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After your cat has broken a leg, caring for it feels like a tough undertaking. Cats love to jump, run, and generally do things that they shouldn’t when they’ve broken their leg. With these tips, you’ll help your cat rest easy while their leg heals.  Prevent Your Cat From Jumping When a cat breaks its leg, treatment could take anywhere from six weeks to four months, depending on the severity of the break. Read More»

Helping Your Pet Become Comfortable At The Animal Hospital

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One thing many pet owners do not think about is how to make their pet comfortable at the veterinarian’s office or animal hospital. When an animal is sick or injured, it is scared and can turn aggressive, even towards the people it knows and loves. Your normally calm, friendly pet may turn on you or the doctor out of fear. While there is no guarantee an animal will remain calm or non-aggressive when you take it to the vet, there are some things you can do that may help keep things a bit under control and make your pet a bit comfortable. Read More»