3 Causes Of Unexplained Weight Loss In Dogs
From feeding and training, to grooming and ensuring they get plenty of exercise, caring for your dog can be overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, even with a good diet, lifestyle, and proper veterinary care, your dog may face issues that affect their underlying health and wellness. An unexplained weight loss, for instance, could be a sign of a serious condition. With this guide, you will learn a few common causes and solutions for unexplained weight loss in dogs.
Certain parasites can lead to unexplained weight loss in your dog. Tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and whip worms, are some of the more common intestinal parasites that you should be concerned with.
Other signs of intestinal parasites include vomiting, diarrhea, and scooting, which is when your dog scoots their bottom across the carpet or floor in an attempt to wipe the anal area.
Fortunately, intestinal parasites can be prevented and treated. Talk to your veterinarian about preventative measures, such as heart worm prevention. Also, make sure to bring your dog into the animal hospital for a full evaluation to determine what parasites are infecting them to ensure they receive the most effective medication.
Digestive Issues
If your dog is losing weight even though they are eating normally, they may have an underlying digestive issue. Malabsorption, for instance, reduces your dog's ability to absorb nutrients into the body, which will eventually lead to weight loss even though your dog is eating. Causes of malabsorption vary. Veterinarians should test your dog for parasites or more serious digestive disorders.
Maldigestion is also a common cause of unexplained weight loss in dogs. This condition prevents your dog's body from breaking down food to ensure the nutrients are absorbed. In many cases of maldigestion, a dog's appetite will be ravenous, but even though they are constantly eating, they will be losing weight.
Finally, and most frightening, your dog's weight loss may stem from cancer. Dogs with cancer will have an increased number of cancerous cells affecting different parts of the body. As the cancer spreads, your dog's appetite may decrease, which can lead to weight loss. Cancer can also cause diarrhea and vomiting, especially if the cancer is affecting the digestive system.
Chemotherapy and even surgery can be effective for treating cancer in dogs. However, it is important to note that the most effective treatment will depend on your dog's specific cancer and underlying health.
Watching your dog lose weight is not pleasant, but proper understanding can help your dog get the treatment they need.